I’m Abigail, a digital designer based out of Austin, TX.

Hi! I am Abigail Denning, a visual designer focused on Product & UX/UI Design based in Austin, Texas. I love mixing my creative side with making cool products that people use every day.

Work-wise, I’ve been lucky to team up with some great places. I started out at a small web development studio as a web designer, and then found my way to larger companies like JLL Technologies & Compucom working as a UX/UI Designer. Now, I’m excited to shift into digital product design.

When I'm not in Figma, I'm a daily artist who loves to get lost in creative and expressive passions. Yoga helps me relax, and I can lose a few hours crocheting. I'm also an avid reader and note taker. I'm a firm believer in writing everything down with pen - even on the go.

Let’s connect and create something amazing together.