Urban Canvas

Urban Canvas is the go-to app for discovering nearby murals and art in any city you visit. With self-guided tours, it takes users on a creative journey through vibrant streets, offering insights into the captivating stories behind each artwork.

3 weeks
UX Design, UI Design

The Problem

Art enthusiasts faced a significant challenge in locating and understanding the stories behind murals in unfamiliar cities. Finding these hidden gems often required extensive research or local knowledge, leaving many unique artworks undiscovered. Additionally, even when murals were found, there was limited context available to truly understand the artists' intentions and the cultural significance of the art.

The Solution

Urban Canvas solves these problems by providing a user-friendly platform that allows people to easily locate nearby murals, take self-guided tours, and gain deeper insights into the meaning and history behind each masterpiece.

Interface Inspiration

I discovered interfaces that inspired me, with a special focus on map features and unique design elements. The intricacies of map interfaces, such as interactive overlays, innovative navigation tools, and aesthetically pleasing visualizations, became focal points of my inspiration. I found that these elements not only enhanced the overall user interface but also contributed to a more immersive and enjoyable user journey.


Mood Board

I gathered visually compelling images and colors to convey an aesthetic. I focused on imagery, and took inspiration from the unusual places that art can be placed. The focus on imagery was not confined to conventional sources; rather, I drew inspiration from unexpected places where art can be found. This unconventional approach allowed me to explore unique perspectives and infuse the design with a sense of creativity and originality. Whether it was finding inspiration in street art, unconventional architecture, or the natural world, these unusual sources became inspiration for the overall design.



I kept in mind two main personas, an art enthusiast and a travel blogger: both wanting to find and learn more about murals. Understanding the diverse needs of the product’s audience, I tailored the experience to cater to an art enthusiast eager to explore murals for inspiration and a travel blogger seeking to uncover and document unique street art in different cities. By considering these distinct personas, the design not only promotes artistic discovery but also caters to the storytelling and exploration desires of the travel blogger, creating a well-rounded and engaging platform for both user types.






High Fidelity - Home

The home screen showcases artworks that are nearby or in the surrounding area. The location is based on the user’s current location, but can also be edited to a different location.


High Fidelity - Search

When a user goes to search for a piece of artwork or mural, they are presented with "trending" artworks. These consist of murals or street art work that are popular around the globe.


High Fidelity - Self Guided Tour

Urban Canvas offers a unique way to see a city’s artwork by offering self-guided tours. To get started, the user chooses different criteria’s for their ideal tour, and is guided through the city with directions and important information.
